About Us

Our Purpose

The Providence Baptist Church Fellowship/USA was established to draw members of the historic Providence Baptist Church residing in the United States and throughout the Diaspora into moments of fellowship, storytelling, worship, prayer, and sharing our common episodes. PBC fellowship seeks to promote love and unity amongst its members by creating the stage for immersing our common storied experiences.

Our History

The Providence Baptist Church Fellowship, USA, Inc. (The Fellowship) was birthed out of the desire to reunite members and friends of Providence Baptist Church residing in the United States of America, especially those who fled Liberia during the civil war. The idea for such an organization was the vision of Elmer V. Diggs and his wife, Muriel H. Diggs, both of whom are now deceased. 

In 1994, a core group consisting of Rev. A. Momolue Diggs, Sis. Ottalee M. Diggs, Rev. Emmett L. Dunn, Deacon Esther K. Richards, and Deacon James H. E. Hill met at the home of Elmer and Muriel Diggs in Silver Springs, Maryland, USA, to discuss the possibility of making the dream of an organized fellowship a reality. Sister Fannie C. Scott and Dr. Albert White were not in attendance at the first meeting but contributed to the formation of the Providence Baptist Church, Fellowship USA, Inc.

At the time of the Fellowship’s formation, Liberia was engulfed in a bloody civil crisis. A significant number of people had fled the country, and the economy was in shambles. The staff at Providence was doing their best to keep the church’s doors open. With minimal available resources, it was decided that in addition to gathering once per year to Fellowship, the emphasis was placed on raising funds to support Providence’s ministries. This would prove providential, as the Fellowship became the primary funding source for Providence, Monrovia.

The first gathering of the Fellowship was held on July 19-21, 1996, and hosted by the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A., under the Pastorship of the Rev. Dr. John Otis Peterson.

The Fellowship found it significant for Alfred Street Baptist Church to host the very first gathering because she and Providence Baptist Church had established a “sister church” relationship back in the early eighties, under the leadership of then Providence Pastor, Rev. Peter Amos George, Sr.

Over the years, the Fellowship has made significant contributions to the well-being of Providence, including capital campaign, ministry support, staff capacity building, travel and hospitality for delegates attending the annual fellowship gatherings, and prayer support. Each member of the fellowship views the partnership as a unique opportunity to stay engaged with the ministry and mission of Providence. 

The fellowship is managed by an Executive Committee headed by the President, with oversight by the Board of Directors. Membership in the Fellowship consists of members and friends of Providence residing in the USA. The fellowship is a legal, religious, non-profit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America, with headquarters in the State of Maryland.

The Fellowship has had nine chairpersons and presidents over its years of existence. Annually, during the third weekend of July, she rotates around the USA and is hosted by congregations of her members. The Fellowship success and profound achievements over the years can be attributed to the caliber of leaders she has elected over the years, from her first Chairperson, The Rev. Dr. Emmett Lafayette Dunn, to her current President, Johnetta Hudson. The stellar leadership they have provided, coupled with their love, passion, and compassion for Providence and fulfillment of her vision and mission – to build a church where lives are radically changed and disciples are intentionally made, has been effective. 

Over the last twenty-nine years of its existence, this Fellowship has partnered with, supported morally, physically, and financially, and contributed significantly to the growth and development of the ministries at Providence and the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

During the Bicentennial, the Fellowship made further commitments to Providence to make available a continued supply of communion elements for Communion Services. Additionally, she provided a consignment of rice, oil, and personal items for the survival and sustenance of the elderly and vulnerable members of the congregation and community.

Listed below are chairpersons/presidents of the Fellowship and congregations that have hosted the Providence Baptist Fellowship over the years.

Chairperson and Presidents of the Fellowship

1996 - Present

1996 - 1997

Reverend Doctor Emmett Lafayette Dunn

1997 - 2002

Deacon Elmer Vamplah Diggs

2002 - 2006

Sister Esther K. Richards

2006 - 2008

Sister Sadia Sawyer

2008 - 2010

Deacon Christian Snyder

2010 - 2014

Reverend Doctor William M. Patray, Sr.

2014 - 2018

Deacon Eric Olson

2018 - 2022

Deacon George M. Brown, Sr.

2022 - Present

Sister Johnetta S. Hudson

Host Churches 1996 - Present

1996 – Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia

1997 – Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia

1998 – Georgia Avenue Baptist Church, Silver Spring, Maryland

1999 – Calvary Baptist Church, East Orange, New Jersey

2000 – African Methodist Zion Episcopal Church, Trenton, New Jersey

2001 – Second Grace United Methodist Church, Detroit, Michigan

2002 – Georgia Avenue Baptist Church, Silver Spring, Maryland

2003 – Union Baptist Church, Hampstead, New York

2004 – Shiloh Baptist Church, Trenton, New Jersey

2005 – Georgia Avenue Baptist Church, Silver Spring, Maryland

2006 – Union Christian Fellowship Church & Ebenezer Community Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

2007 – Calvary Baptist Church, East Orange, New Jersey

2008 – First Baptist Church, Methuen, Massachusetts

2009 – Malady’s Crossroads Missionary Baptist Church & Wendell First Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina

2010 – United African Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida

2011 – Madison Square Church – Grand Rapids, Michigan

2012 – Georgia Avenue Baptist, Silver Spring, Maryland

2013 – Calvary Baptist Church – East Orange, New Jersey

2014 – United Christian Fellowship – Minneapolis, Minnesota

2015 – Malaby’s Crossroad Baptist Church, Knightdale, North Carolina

2016 – The International Christian Fellowship, Atlanta, Georgia

2017 – West Hyattsville Baptist Church, Hyattsville, Maryland

2018 – River Bend Baptist Church, Fulsher, Texas

2019 – Calvary Baptist Church, East Orange, New Jersey

2020 – Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, a 2-hour Business Meeting was convened via ZOOM on Saturday, July 18, 2020.

2021 – Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, Liberia, in observance of the Bicentennial Anniversary

2022 – West Hyattsville Baptist, Hyattsville, Maryland

2023 – New Fellowship Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

2024 – Lighthouse International Church & Sharon Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia

2025 – First Baptist Church, Methuen, Massachusetts

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© Providence Baptist Fellowship USA

Changing Lives Radically,

Making Disciples Intentionally.

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